Truth be told, when we are in love with someone, even though we try to hide it from that person, our body always betrays us by giving out clues and signs.
Below are 10 ways to know that lady is deeply in love with you.
1. When she is in love with you, she makes a lot of eye contact.
2. When she is in love with you, she can’t help but stop what she is doing while you are talking.
3. When she is in love with you, you might catch her fiddle with her hair a lot.
4. When she is in love with you, she always wants to make body contact.
5. When she is in love with you, she offers to do small things for you.
6. When she is in love with you, she would stare deeply into your eyes while you talk.
7. When she is in love with you, she would try to make conversation any time possible.
8. When she is in love with you, she would laugh a lot while she is with you.
9. When she is in love with you, she would always look for excuses to be with you even when she has somewhere important to go.
10. When she is in love with you, she would call and text regularly.
Fellas, when you are in love with her, I really don’t think you should wait for all these signs before you go for her. If you love her, go for her.