17 for 17

Going from 2015 in to 2016 I decided that I wasn't really going to do any resolutions because to be fair, who ever really sticks them and instead wrote a blog about my lack of a new years kiss and signed it off with a goal of not being a Jerk. Little did I know that there was going to be a turn of events on New Years Eve that made that blog kind of null and void and by kind of, I mean TOTALLY. And that was rad. So it got me thinking, if I could prophetically magic myself a new years kiss, why cant I magically profess myself a cracking 2017. Stranger things have happened. To give myself a fighting chance at success, it is probably important to go in to 2017 with a bit of a guide to better living. So here it is, my 17, kind of resolution with a hint of life lessons 

1. Be Kinder to myself - like fuck mate, I'm alright, I just gotta start believing it. We put some much emphasis on what other people think about us when really at the end of the day no one else really matters. If you need a reminder of how much you have actually grown and improved and become more beautiful go back and look at your Myspace. I am glad to say, the years have been kind to me. Though I still stand by the fact though, that my perm was great. Everyone loves a little bit of curly noodle hair 

2. Read More Books - I have always been a big reader but for the last 8 months I have been buried in piles of study books and haven't really had much time for normal literature. The end is in sight (hopefully, but I don't want to Jinx it) and when I am all done with my studies I am going to get back in to the books hard, so if you have any recommendations flick them my way 

3. Stop Chasing People - I joked the other day with The Smile about this and said that I was going to make it one of my New Years Resolutions to stop Harassing him so much and its probably actually something that I should use as a blanket approach to life in the new year. I am forever chasing people for attention, and after a while it gets to your self confidence, I am worth it and if they don't want to take the time to tell me that, then really, why should I bother.

4. Be more creative - with all my studies my creative endeavours have suffered. I haven't been writing or making Vlogs or colouring in or practicing my knitting that my nan spent so many pain staking hours teaching me. I need to get back to that. So if you can think of any topics you would like me to tackle, please let me know 

5.  Not get so fussed with the little things - If 2016 taught me anything it was that there is a whole heap of shit in the world and a mass of negativity, the more of this you take on, the worse your life is going to be. So I am going to make a conscious effort to not let it affect me 

6. Go on adventures - this year saw a lot of impulse decisions that turned out to be the best experiences of my year. I guess its kind of like, have car will travel. And travel we will

7. Meditate More - kinda hippy and new age but it actually makes a giant difference to my mental state. Breath in through your nose, out through your mouth, rinse and repeat. I got this.

8. Start Cooking - since living in my share house I have stopped cooking, now that I am going to be alone again soon I am going to get back in to it. I am actually not the worst cook in the world and have managed to get to 33 without giving myself food poisoning (other people have accidentally not been so lucky, sorry about those Chilli Mussels Ikea Flat Pack, I do still feel bad about it)

9. Stop Looking for Approval - I said to my dad a few months ago "are you proud of me?" and as much as I love him and want him to be proud of me, none of it really matters because I am proud of myself. I have achieved a lot this year through sheer hard work and determination and what any one else thinks of that really should be of no consequence.

10. Write down a positive EVERY DAY - when I lived with the Hippy House mate we had a happy wall, every day we would write down something good that happened to us or something that made us smile, and every time I walked past the wall I would stop and read all of the positive. Its time to focus on the little thing and the bigger picture will fall in to place

11. Buy a new Mattress - I am only making this a guide to better living because I have been saying it for like two years and haven't done it yet. Someone keep reminding me until I do it please... my back will thank you

12. Compliment People - a few words can make someones day... and that's a pretty strong power to have. You could create a smile that has a knock on positive effect in the world... that's pretty exciting right?

13. See more live Music - I used to go to gigs nearly every weekend and this year I think I saw one, I miss it and I miss the random people that you meet while you are out. I am going to change that

14. Grow some Herbs - mmmm Coriander. MMMMMMMM. And now I have a nice little Balcony to try my hand at Horticulture... pray for me, I am not good at plants 

15.  Tell people that I love them - people are so scared of these words, but you never really know when its going to be the last time you will see someone so I am sure as hell going to tell them I love them. Because I do, and everyone deserves to know that they are loved.

16.  Embrace confrontation - when I was younger I wouldn't back down from a fight, if you had wronged me, I would let you know that I didn't appreciate it, the older that I have gotten the less that is happening and its a pretty scary development. I need to start taking the power back and standing up for myself. Watch out if you cross me, in a nice way of course.

17. Smile More - pretty much yeah, that's about all I think you need in life. A smile can fix most things and you never really know when someone else needs one. And you know what the best part is, a smile is free

So lets see how this goes. And I have realised that it doesn't matter if I succeed, its about the effort I put in to making it work. Thanks to everyone who made my 2016 what it was and a thanks in advance to everyone that will make my 2017. I am blessed in the people I have in my life and you are part of my happiest memories. Lets go make some more!!!!

Love and 24K Magic Wishes

Miss K 

N.B I wanted to do a bit of a reflection on 2016 but I think like most people my 2016 was a bit of a bastard. It was the year for me of confusion and Wasting her time. I haven't seen my family in a year. Its been so long since I got laid that I am actually terrified of it now and all sorts of rubbish just kinda stacked up on me. But through it all I had amazing adventures, made a lot of new friends and came out the other end, a little bit bruised and battered but generally in one piece. I started an amazing new career which I am kicking arse at, met a guy who stole my breath the first time I saw him and gave me faith that things might be ok and that there are still gentlemen in the world (even if I am not with him). This year has had the Mantra of "Every day may not be a good one, but there is something good in every day". And I think I managed to get through most of it without being a jerk... so hey, I guess I was always winning if that was my bench mark. 

Brazilian gang leaks nu*de photos of female police officer in revenge

Gang Members Released Naked Pictures Of The Brazilian Policeman To Obtain Revenge.

Meet Julia

Meet Julia Liers, a police captain from Brazil. She's one of the top officers in Brazil, and she spent most of her still young career tackling the notorious gangs of Rio De Jeneiro. But she made one fatal mistake - Little Julia has posted lots of Nud*es on her social media accounts, and once the gang members found them, all hell broke lose...

#2 She Had Just Finished Arresting A Gang Leader

She had just participated in a massive operation that focused on capturing hundreds of gang members across Brazil. This simultaneous strike was coordinated with multiple police teams across the country, a strike that Julia was only one part of,
 but you know what they say: A team is only as strong as its weakest link. And one group of gang members just found a weakness that they can use to exploit Julia.

#3 They Found Her Nud*es...

Somehow, the gang members who had just lost their leader (thanks to Julia) managed to get a hold of her Nud*es. It's unclear how they found them, but they barely hesitated before releasing them on the internet. Keep in mind, the gang member released the UNCENSORED version of these pictures, meaning everything underneath those stars are fully on display for anyone who can figure out how to use google.

#4 Nice Tan Lines

Looks like Julia has some Se*xy tan lines. Seeing as she lives in Brazil, this comes as no surprise. I bet she goes tanning Nud*e on occasion. I know it's wrong, and I know she's probably pissed that her Nud*es got leaked, but wow... She has a seriously Se*xy body.

#5 Spreading It Wide

I can only assume that she was trying to send these pictures to her boyfriend. When she took these, she probably had no idea that they would end up on the internet for virtually the whole world to see. Do you think she is wishing she chose a different career path right about now?

#6 She Should Be Proud

The thing about this is that with a body like that, she shouldn't even be ashamed. It's not like people are making fun of her for being ugly... If anything, she's probably got a loyal fanbase now! Maybe she has a future as a pornstar, if she ever gets fired or quits from the police force.

#7 Stay Strong Julia

This is definitely not what she imagined her career to be like. At least she wasn't shot or anything. But if she's a shy girl, this might even be worse than suffering a bullet would. The gang members might have dealt a serious blow to her confidence...

#8 How Can She Face Her Coworkers?

Imagine being her coworker. Would you look up her Nud*es? They're only a click away, after all. Personally, I'll bet that all her male coworkers had looked at her Nud*es when she walked back into work the next day. Imagine that awkward silence as she walked through those doors... Damn...

Chantel Zales In Her Latest Photoshoot

Nice product placement, Starbucks.

LIVE: कानपुर के पास एक और बड़ा रेल हादसा, सियालदह अजमेर सुपरफास्ट एक्सप्रेस के 14 डिब्बे पटरी से उतरे

2 की मौत: कानपुर के पास एक महीने में दूसरा ट्रेन हादसा, 14 डिब्बे पटरी से उतरे

कानपुर(उत्तर प्रदेश). कानपुर देहात के पास बुधवार सुबह 12988 अजमेर-सियालदह ट्रेन पटरी से उतर गई। 14 डिब्बे पटरी से उतरने की खबर है। इस हादसे में 30 लोगों के जख्मी होने की खबर है। शुरुआती खबर के मुताबिक यह हादसा सुबह करीब 5:30 बजे हुआ। ट्रेन के 2 डिब्बे के नहर में भी गिर गए। बता दें कि इससे पहले पुखराया में 20 नवंबर को हुए हादसे में 100 से ज्यादा लोगों की मौत हो गई थी। दिल्ली- हावड़ा रूट बंद...

- यह हादसा कानपुर से करीब 70 किमी दूर रूला इलाके में हुआ।
- हादसे की वजह से दिल्ली- हावड़ा रूट बंद हो गया है।
 कानपुर देहात के पास बुधवार सुबह करीब 5:30 बजे यह हादसा हुआ।
 4  दो डिब्बे नहर में गिरने की खबर है।


कानपुर आईजी ने बताया कि घायलों में दो ने इलाज के दौरान दम तोड़ दिया है

बता दें कि रूरा स्टेशन कानपुर से 70 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित है. रेलवे के पीआरओ अनिल सेक्सेना ने बताया कि दो जनरल और बाकी स्लीपर डिब्बे हैं जो पटरी से उतरे हैं. इससे पहले मौके पर पहुंचे रेलवे अधिकारियों का कहना था कि हादसे में किसी की जान नहीं गई है.

हादसे की जगह कानपुर और इटावा के बीच की है इसलिए कानपुर और इटावा पर कुछ ट्रेनों को रोका गया है.रुट फिलहाल बंद है. बता दें कि देश में यह रूट रेलवे के सबसे व्यस्ततम रूट में से एक है. इस वजह से बाकी ट्रेनों को डायवर्ट किया गया है.

जानकारी यह भी मिली है कि सुबह के समय काफी कोहरा था. हादसे की वजह अभी तक साफ नहीं हो पाई है.

भारतीय रेल ने हादसे से संबंधित जानकारी के लिए हेल्पलाइन नंबर जारी किए हैं. वह इस प्रकार हैं.
कानपुर - 0512-2323015, 2323016, 2323018
इलाहाबाद - 0532-2408149, 2408128, 2407353
टुंडला - 05612-220337, 220338, 220339
अलीगढ़ - 0571-2404056, 2404055 

I've never seen anything like this, or is he crazy or very brave!

Existem pessoas que se destacam nas mais variadas profissões pela forma quase artística como vão desempenhando as suas funções. Manobrar uma escavadora, digamos que não é das tarefas mais fáceis de realizar.

Mas não deverá ser fácil encontrar algum manobrador de escavadoras tão competente como este ou como alguns poderão ficar a pensar, com uma certa dose de insanidade à mistura.
Terá sido sorte ou saber?

Inside Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries' lavish $3,300 A night honeym00n

After their stunning fairytale wedding last month, it stands to reason that Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries would be celebrating their nuptials in style.
So what better place to honeymoon than the $3,300-a-night Hotel Santa Caterina on Italy's Amalfi Coast.

Exclusive pictures of the newlyweds on their honeymoon, Kim and Kris are seen making the most of their time away together by soaking up the sun and indulging in each others' company.

As well as enjoying al fresco meals by the pool and romantic sunset strolls, the pair also struggled to keep their hands off one another, kis*sing and cuddling without worrying who was watching them.
A hotel guest told Us Weekly magazine: 'They only had eyes for each other...They were in their own little world.'
Beach bodies: The couple made the most of the warm weather on Italy's Amalfi coast, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying cooling dips in the pool
Beach bodies: The couple made the most of the warm weather on Italy's Amalfi coast, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying cooling dips in the pool

That's amore! Kim and Kris couldn't keep their hands off each other, with Kim saying the honeymoon was the perfect occasion to enjoy some 'alone time' with her new husband
That's amore! Kim and Kris couldn't keep their hands off each other, with Kim saying the honeymoon was the perfect occasion to enjoy some 'alone time' with her new husband

And the honeymoon was actually a surprise for Kim, as she had thought the couple would celebrate their wedding next year instead, due to Kim's work commitments.
She said: 'We were planning on waiting until next summer to take a honeymoon. But Kris surprised me last minute!'
But their luxurious honeymoon didn't come cheap, with their Chalet Giulietta & Romeo costing $3,300 per night. 
Basking in the sunshine: The pair relaxed in the sun as they made the most of their time together
Basking in the sunshine: The pair relaxed in the sun as they made the most of their time together

Room for a little one? Despite there being two sunloungers, Kim instead preferred to share with Kris
Room for a little one? Despite there being two sunloungers, Kim instead preferred to share with Kris

Cuddling up: The couple looked more interested in kis*sing and cuddling than exploring the local attractions
Cuddling up: The couple looked more interested in kis*sing and cuddling than exploring the local attractions

The chalet, which is built on two levels, contained a king-sized bedroom, master bathroom with jacuzzi, and a terrace which led out to a private garden, complete with an infinity pool on the floor below.
However, the couple won't have to worry too much about the cost of their romantic break, as Kim is said to have earned around $1.5million for their wedding photographs, which were sold to People magazine.
Add to that her fee for the television footage, which will be aired by the E! network in a two-part special, Kim’s Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event, on October 9th and 10th.
Give us a kis*s: The pair couldn't get enough of each other, and kis*sed and cuddled without worrying who saw
Give us a kis*s: The pair couldn't get enough of each other, and kis*sed and cuddled without worrying who saw

Get me another drink would you? Kris heads off for some refreshments as Kim relaxes on her sunlounger
Get me another drink would you? Kris heads off for some refreshments as Kim relaxes on her sunlounger

Plus, she also pocketed $300,000 for the engagement announcement back in May and another $100,000 from OK! magazine for the bridal shower photos.
However, according to the Hollywood Reporter, Kim has ensured she keeps her estimated $35m net worth protected by signing a pre-nuptial agreement before her wedding.
And the agreement will also protect NBA star Kris, who is worth considerably less than his wife at around $8m to $16m.
Romantic stroll: Kim covered up her enviable bikini body in a black kaftan as she went for a walk with Kris
Romantic stroll: Kim covered up her enviable bikini body in a black kaftan as she went for a walk with Kris

Want one of these? Kris makes use of his 6ft 9 frame by picking a piece of fruit for his wife
Want one of these? Kris makes use of his 6ft 9 frame by picking a piece of fruit for his wife
Want one of these? Kris makes use of his 6ft 9 frame by picking a piece of fruit for his wife

Lucky girl: Kim looked entirely smitten as she strolled along hand-in-hand with basketball player Kris
Lucky girl: Kim looked entirely smitten as she strolled along hand-in-hand with basketball player Kris

In the event Kim is sued or gets into any legal wrangles with one of her many business ventures, Kris's wealth could be protected from any debts or liabilities she incurs.
Kim spoke recently about her fairytale wedding, and said that while she loved her big day, she wishes she had had more time to enjoy it.

She said: 'The wedding day, I was actually really, really calm that day. My one regret is that I wish I had more time to really enjoy the wedding, because there's so much going on that you're running around and now that I look back, I'm like, that day happened so fast I wish I had more time.'

New band: Kris looks pensive as he shows off his new wedding ring after the couple's wedding last month
New band: Kris looks pensive as he shows off his new wedding ring after the couple's wedding last month

Diamonds are a girl's best friend: Kim's white gold wedding band complements her huge engagement ring, while Kris' dark silver ring is more manly
Diamonds are a girl's best friend: Kim's white gold wedding band complements her huge engagement ring, while Kris' dark silver ring is more manly
Diamonds are a girl's best friend: Kim's white gold wedding band complements her huge engagement ring, while Kris' dark silver ring is more manly

Kim also said that despite living out her life in front of television cameras for her reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians, she was very surprised when her basketball player beau decided to propose on camera.
She added: 'I was so shocked that Kris even allowed one camera in there when he proposed to me, because that was something that I didn't think that he would ever do. 
'So I was not expecting that at all for me to walk in and that to happen at that moment.'
Luxurious: The pair stayed in the stunning Chalet Giulietta & Romeo a the Hotel Santa Caterina on the Amalfi Coast
Luxurious: The pair stayed in the stunning Chalet Giulietta & Romeo a the Hotel Santa Caterina on the Amalfi Coast

Romantic: The chalet includes a king sized bed in the bedroom which opens out on to a private terrace
Romantic: The chalet includes a king sized bed in the bedroom which opens out on to a private terrace

Idyllic: Kim and Kris also had a private garden complete with an infinity swimming pool
Idyllic: Kim and Kris also had a private garden complete with an infinity swimming pool

This Sailor Moon Swimsuit Is Driving Asian Men Wild

The Ultimate Swimsuit

This school girl style swimsuit is all the rage in Asia, and we're starting to see exactly why.

First off, you need an extremely hot girl to model it!

#2 Not An Ordinary Suit
It's perfectly cut to display all the assets men love to gawk at.

#3 Thong Song
It's practically a shirt with a strap covering the kitty cat, but we're not complaining or anything!

#4 Rice Cakes
This chicks showing off her natural gifts, and we appreciate her for doing so.

#5 Turn Up The Heat
Well there's an angle you don't see every day...

#6 Poor Girl

Oh no, someone ripped her swimsuit and left her practically nude!

#7 So Wet
You've gotta test it's durability in water, right?

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